Workshop for parents of disabled children in the Manawatu

Disability Responsiveness New Zealand Ltd (DRNZ), in association with Mana Whaikaha, invites up to 20 parents of disabled children in the Manawatu, to attend 'Parenting Disabled Children', an interactive workshop.

When: 9.30am to 2.30pm, Thursday 9 March
Where: Hancock Community House, 77-85 King Street, Palmerston North
RSVP: Via e-mail to no later than 5.00pm, on Friday 17 February 2023.
Please write ‘parent workshop’ in the subject line and include any access or dietary requirements you may have.

A finger-food lunch will be provided

The workshop will be co-facilitated by DRNZ Managing Director: Pam MacNeill, and Helen Johnson, from Exploring Futures.

Resources available to you at the workshop will include a booklet, also entitled Parenting Disabled Children, which was recently produced by DRNZ. The booklet was written after consultation with 27 disabled adults from all over Aotearoa New Zealand, and features advice from them especially for parents. The booklet is guided by the principles of Enabling Good Lives.

This will be a great opportunity for parents to take some time out to meet, chat over lunch, and discuss issues of importance for them and their whanau.

Topics for discussion include but are not limited to:

  • You and your disabled child
  • Valuing your child
  • Fiction and facts about disabled people
  • Being bold about the future.

Pam and Helen look forward to welcoming you to the korero.