Women's Health Strategy - have your say

Manatū Hauora – Ministry of Health are inviting people to join a discussion about women’s health and inform Aotearoa’s first Women’s Health Strategy.

The Women’s Health Strategy is one of the strategies required by the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures Act) 2022. It will set the direction and priorities for improving women’s health and wellbeing.

It will be inclusive of gender diverse people, including intersex people, transgender people, non-binary people, and takatāpui and MVPFAFF + gender diverse people who experience the health issues covered in this strategy.

Manatū Hauora would like to hear your views to help develop a strategy that is informed by a diverse range of voices, experiences, knowledge and visions.  

There are two ways you can join the discussion about women’s health:

1.  Write a written submission

You can submit on behalf of an organisation or collective, community group, marae or iwi, or as an individual or whānau. For information about making submissions see Women’s Health Strategy submissions.

2. Contribute to the online discussion platform: Tātou

Submissions close 17 March 2023.