Today, the Minister of Disability Issues, Hon. Louise Upston, announced a downsizing of Whaikaha in response to the findings of the review of Whaikaha and documented in the report "Independent Review of Disability Support Services, Phase One Report".

Disability Support Services will be moving to the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and Whaikaha will become a stand-alone government department, upgraded from an agency hosted by MSD.

Whaikaha will be responsible for leading work to improve the lives of disabled people through strategic policy advice, monitoring the effectiveness of services, education, and advocating for positive change.

DPA's response

Disabled people are feeling shell shocked by today’s announcement.
Whaikaha was created so that disabled people could have more control over the services they receive.

It was established because, in government’s own words, “Disabled people deserve better. They deserve a way to engage and shape a better future for themselves.”
Downsizing Whaikaha and shifting DSS (Disability Support Services) into MSD does not honour this commitment to disabled people. We are going backwards by returning to a system that we already know does not work in the best interests of disabled people.
It is devastating that such a major decision has been made unilaterally by the Minister and Cabinet based on views of a small group of people that did not involve disabled people and our community .  
We are very concerned that under MSD many disabled people will find themselves excluded from receiving the support they need to participate and belong in their communities
Disabled people must be properly included in the next round of consultation as promised, there must be no further changes that impact on our fundamental rights made without us.
We are also feeling deeply for staff at Whaikaha affected by this announcement many of whom are disabled themselves and are part of our community as well.

Accessing the report

Note: these reports are not yet in alternate formats.