We'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Patti Poa to our team as the Policy Advisor for the Auckland region.
Thank you, Patti for taking the time to introduce yourself – we're looking forward to working with you.
Tēnā koutou katoa, ka tīmata au ki te wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku. I muri i tō rāua wehenga, i pērā rawa te kaha o te riri me te pōuri o Tāwhirimātea, i tīkarohia e ia ōna mata, ka makaina ai ki runga, ki a Ranginui, hei tohu i tōna aroha me tōna mamae. Mai i te tīmatanga, tae noa ki tēnei ra – e heke iho ngā tini roimata o Ranginui i te maunga Te Tarai o Rahiri, e rere te awa Mangakahia ki te marae Nukutawhiti, e pā ana ngā wai i te whenua o Papatūānuku mo te waiora o ngā hapū Ngāti Horahia me te Ngāti Toki. Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi, ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka, ko Patti Poa tōku ingoa. No reira, kia ora mai tātou katoa.
I am Ngāpuhi and an indigenous and disabled community advocate from Te Tai Tokerau. I’m Mana Hauā (Māori disabled) and wrote a policy highlighting the needs of Māori disabled. I’ve forged and navigated a unique career path that aspires to uphold a kaupapa driven by a legacy of servant leadership. This taonga passed to me by my tupuna is to grow and strengthen their vision of a thriving Aotearoa New Zealand.
My interest of creating disabled leadership is from an attitude founded on values of respect, trust and integrity for the communities I serve. My track record in both professional and personal experience in disability, governance, education, health and business shows my commitment to disability leadership and to live and thrive in Aotearoa.