Webinar series on mental health and wellbeing reports

Te Hiringa Mahara Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission is running a webinar series to share the key findings and calls to action from its recent mental health and addiction service monitoring reports.

When: Every Thursday from 28 September – 19 October 2023, 12:00 midday – 12:45 pm.
Where: Online
Register: register for Te Huringa Tuarua 2023 webinar series
Accessibility: when you register there is the option to let them know if you require a New Zealand Sign Language interpreter or other support to participate.
Earlier this year, Te Hiringa Mahara released Te Huringa Tuarua 2023, a suite of connected reports: a summary report as well as three focus reports on kaupapa Māori services, lived experience of Compulsory Community Treatment Orders and admission of young people to adult inpatient services. A report was also released on the peer support workforce.

The webinar series will focus on four reports.

Find more information about Te Huringa webinar series.