Vacancy - Senior Advisor PIC Health Quality and Safety Commission

Senior advisor He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care

The senior advisor – He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care will work across the Commission to contribute to Commission activities and relationships critical to the Commission’s policy role and ability to influence policy.

The primary purpose of this position is to work to ensure that the Commission delivers the best possible policy, research, analysis, writing and advice, to support the He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care team.

Specific projects in this role include supporting the Commission to implement the code of expectations for health entities’ engagement with consumers and whānau, writing supporting documents and advice for ngā pae hiranga, the Commission’s centre of excellence for consumer and whānau engagement and focusing on policy and advice supporting tāngata whaikaha, people with lived experience of disability.

Read the Position Description - Senior Advisor He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care [Word Doc]

To apply see the Senior Advisor He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care job ad

Applications close Thursday 27 October