Upcoming disability workshops run by Te Pou

Te Pou is offering online and in-person workshops which are free for Disability Support Services who hold a contract with Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People and disabled people.

Kia Noho Rangatira Ai Tātou Education Programme

Kia Noho is a unique education programme developed by Te Pou and the Disabled Persons Assembly that puts human rights for disabled people and the Disability Convention into a New Zealand cultural context.

Online – Kia Noho Rangatira Ai Tātou
When: 9.30am – 12.30pm, 10, 12, 17, and 19 October
Where: Online
Cost: Free for Disability Support Services who hold a contract with Whaikaha or offered on a cost recovery basis.
Registration:online for the online education programme Kia Noho Rangatira Ai Tātou

In-person – Kia Noho Rangatira Ai Tātou
When: 9.30am – 3.30pm, 8 and 9 November,
Where: Wellington
Cost: Free for Disability Support Services who hold a contract with Whaikaha or offered on a cost recovery basis.
Registration:online for the in-person Kia Noho Rangatira Ai Tātou

You can find out more about workshop times, and registration at Kia Noho Rangatira Ai Tātou | Education Programme | Te Pou.

Ātea – Disability 101 workshops, online and in person

Ātea is a training programme led by disabled people that aims to increase participants' awareness of attitudes towards disabled people, and how to reduce barriers so that everyone can participate fully in society.

Online – Ātea workshop
When: 9.30am – 12.30pm, 14 and 16 August
Where: Online
Cost: Free for Disability Support Services who hold a contract with Whaikaha or offered on a cost recovery basis.
Registration:online for the online workshop, Ātea - Disability 101

In-person – Ātea workshop
When: 9.30am – 3.30pm, 7 November,
Where: Wellington
Cost: Free for Disability Support Services who hold a contract with Whaikaha or offered on a cost recovery basis.
Registration:online for the in-person workshop, Ātea - Disability 101

The content is relevant to anyone who interacts with disabled people in their work or personal life. The workshops help participants be aware of their own attitudes towards disabled people, what contributes to ableism and ways that people can minimise ableism. The goal is for non-disabled people to actively include disabled people wherever they might be.

You can find out more about workshop times, and registration at Ātea - Disability 101.