Unpacking Disability Law Workshops in Auckland - reminder

Auckland Disability Law (ADL) is holding a series of six free sessions 'Unpacking Disability Law' designed for disabled people and supporters.  This community-based programme is focused on making your legal rights on disability easy to understand.  

All sessions are held at Auckland Deaf Society, 16 Hillsborough Road, Three Kings, Auckland 1042.  The venue is wheelchair accessible.

You can either register for one session or two sessions each day. You are also welcome to register for the whole programme. Light refreshment will be provided at break time.

14 February 2023
Session one 11am - 12.30pm: Knowing Your Rights: Disability and Discrimination
Session two 1pm - 2.30pm: Knowing Your Rights: For Employment Essentials
Register: by 7 February 2023

21 February 2023  
Session one 11am - 12.30pm:  Planning Ahead: Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney
Session two 1pm - 2.30pm: Who’s got the Power: Guardianships, Property Managers and Supported Decision Making  
Register: by 14 February 2023

28 February 2023  
Session one 11am - 12.30pm: Cyber Bullying and the Law: What is cyber bullying and ways to get help.
Session two 1pm - 2.30pm: Consumer Rights: Being a consumer & signing contracts.
Register: by 21 February 2023
To register: Email info@adl.org.nz, or text 027 457 5140 or call 09 257 5140.  
Include your name, email address, contact phone number, date and session(s) name you want to attend and any access needs.