Transport experiences during lockdown - Survey

DPA and MRCagney, as part of research into transport experiences of disabled people, are now investigating transport for disabled people in Covid Alert Levels 4 and 3.

The purpose of this research is to advise Waka Kotahi (the New Zealand Transport Agency) of any urgent or ongoing challenges disabled people are experiencing, so that they can respond where possible.

We have several ways to gather your experiences for this research. You, or someone on your behalf with your consent, can:

  1. Complete the survey online - Transport Experiences During Lockdown Survey
  2. Complete a word document version of the survey. Download Transport Survey Word Doc. You may return this version by email or post. Contact if you would like the postal address
  3. Email Bridget Burdett, describing in the email any transport challenges/experiences you have had in Levels 3 or 4
  4. Request a phonecall/NZ Relay Call  to discuss your experiences, by email to

If you have any access needs and would like to participate in this research in some other way, please contact us and we will do our best to make this happen.