To Be Frank - free sexuality education workshops
To Be Frank are running free workshops for disabled people (and their allies); providing a space to discuss sex.
With support from Mana Whaikaha, To Be Frank are offering the free monthly Zoom workshops about disability sex and sexuality from July to October 2022 for anyone living in the Mid-Central area.
Workshop One: Being Frank with Ourselves
1-3pm July 15th 2022
This workshop will be a chance for participants to think about who they are and what they want from their lives when it comes to sexuality, sex, intimacy and love.
Workshop Two: Being Frank with support
1-3pm July 29th 2022
This workshop will focus on putting support in place to make sure life is sexy. It will be about talking to your support team about intimate or sexual support needs, recruiting or screening and training support workers to be affirming, body and sex positive.
They are running three more free, monthly workshops until October 2022 and would love to hear from you what topics you would like them to cover. Some suggested topics could be: relationships and sexuality; friendships; accessing the sex industry; gender and diversity; puberty...etc. To Be Frank want these workshops to be guided by what you need.
To find out more and to register for the workshops visit the To Be Frank website.