Support worker training feedback sought

DPA have been asked to forward a request for feedback about support worker training.

Cate Grace and Grant Cleland in partnership with NZDSN, Te Whatu Ora, Ministry of Social Development, Tū Toi Waiora and Careerforce are currently reviewing L2 - 4 Health and Wellbeing Qualifications and would like to hear from you:

"Kia ora whānau

Do you have Support Workers/Caregivers/Carers (or Personal Assistants as the Australians call them) – either via an agency or directly employed/contracted?

Or are you working as a Support Worker/Caregiver/Carer or interested in doing so?

Would you like to help design useful and appropriate training for these Support Workers?

We are currently working on reviewing NZQA Health and Wellbeing Certificate qualifications Levels 2-4.

You can get involved and share with us either:

Be involved in a Special Interest Group via a Zoom call– register your interest here:


Jump straight in and complete the Survey:

Any questions, suggestions or anything else please email or (Grant Cleland)