Skatepark research - invitation to take part

Dr Rosie Scott,  a senior lecturer at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, in the School of Design Innovation, is researching Waitangi Skatepark, to find out more about how people use it, what they like and don’t like about it and how they would change it if they could.

She is keen to talk to disabled folks who use the park, or potentially could use the skatepark if it were more inclusive, to ensure disabled voices are included in the conversation and to help shift public recreation spaces to be better, more fun spaces for disabled people.

If you have a particular passion or experience with skating (including skate boarding, rollerskating, parkour, scooters etc), skateparks (as a user, or friend, or parent to other users) or sports spaces more broadly, she would love to interview you for the research. Interviewees don't have to be Wellington based or current users of Waitangi skatepark.

The hope is that by designing better, more inclusive parks more disabled folks will be able to get into skating.

If you are interested in taking part, or would like more information, please contact