Research into disabled people’s experiences of supports and services - focus group invite

The Donald Beasley Institute (DBI) has been commissioned by the Disabled People's Organisations (DPO) Coalition to conduct a research project called “My Experiences, My Rights: Supports and Services”.

Currently, the disability sector in Aotearoa New Zealand is undergoing big changes. It is important to capture disabled people’s voices throughout these transitions and transformations.

This research project aims to document disabled people’s experiences of the disability supports and services they have received or want to receive, and identify areas where improvements are needed.

In this phase of the research DBI are hosting a range of focus groups, to understand the supports and services experiences of specific groups within the disability community. For example, different types of funding and services.

Focus Group Invite from DBI:

He tono tēnei ki a koe ki te hono mai ki tēnei kaupapa; he rakahau e pā ana ki kā rōpū tautoko i te huka whaikaha me kā wheako hoki o aua tākata whaikaha huri noa i Aotearoa.

You are invited to take part in a study about disabled people’s experiences of supports and services in Aotearoa New Zealand.

He aha te kaupapa o taua nei rakahau?
What is this research about?

In Aotearoa New Zealand, the Government provides disabled people with supports and services that ensure their human rights can be met in a full and meaningful way. But sometimes disabled people don’t receive the supports and services they need. And sometimes they miss out altogether.

This research is part of the Disabled Person-Led Monitoring of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Mā wai e whakauru?
Who can participate in this research?

In this part of this research we want to talk to disabled people with a range of different support and service experiences, as well as family, whānau, aiga and close supporters. We want to know what disabled people think and feel about existing supports and services, changes to the disability support system, Whaikaha - the new Ministry of Disabled People, and how these changes are meeting disabled people’s rights under the Convention.

Mē pēhea au i whakatapoko i taua nei kaupapa?
What do I do if I want to register my interest?

If you are interested in taking part in this study and would like to know more, you can contact the research team at the Donald Beasley Institute. We will send you more information so you can decide if you want to register your interest or not.

Umi Asaka (Paewai Rakahau/Junior Research Fellow)
Waea / Free phone: 0800 878 839
Īmēra / Email:

Wāhi Mahi / Postal Address:  
Suite 4, Level 2
248 Cumberland Street
Dunedin 9016, New Zealand