Progress in CAB campaign for inclusion in a digital age

The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) have been running a long-term inclusion campaign, to call for public services to be accessible for all - available in multiple ways, including face-to-face and over the phone, not just online.

This has included a research report, a petition to Parliament, and joining with other organisations (including DPA) to put together a collated submission in support of the petition.

As a result of their strong and persistent advocacy, ‘Commitment 3 – Establish an integrated, multi-channel approach to public services and support’ has been included in the consultation draft of New Zealand’s National Action Plan under the Open Government Partnership.

This commitment focuses on: “the provision of integrated, multiple channels for public service delivery – channels to include options which meet the diverse needs of all the people of Aotearoa and ensure access for all to public services and support. This will address the barriers people face when government services are delivered online, with limited alternative options for non-digital participation.”

The Open Government Partnership: Draft New Zealand’s Fourth National Action Plan - 2023-2024 is open for public feedback until 5pm 12 December.