Other organisation's election priorities

Stroke Foundation NZ's election manifesto

Stroke Foundation NZ is seeking politicians across the political spectrum to implement changes that will help to improve equity in health outcomes for the stroke community and reduce the risk of stroke.

Their 2023 Election Manifesto outlines the three missions it has for the future Government:

  • Mission 1: Reduce salt and prevent stroke
  • Mission 2: Fund community innovation to improve stroke outcomes – specifically a national rollout of our Taking Charge After Stroke (TaCAS) programme
  • Mission 3: Close the gap – eliminate the inequities in rehabilitation and life-after-stroke services.

Find out more about the Stroke Foundation NZ's election manifesto.

Highlighting challenges of living with a rare disorder this election

Rare Disorders NZ is encouraging people to share their experiences and challenges of living with a rare disorder with their local MP.

Sharing your story directly with the people who run New Zealand can enlighten them to challenges they may not otherwise have been exposed to or considered.

People in the rare community can email or write a letter to their local MP or request a meeting at their office. Electorate MPs have set times set aside for constituency clinics to make themselves available for their constituents.

Three template letters have been drafted to request a meeting with a local MP. Each template focuses on one of the following issues:

  • the need for better data collection on rare disorders
  • improved medicine access for rare disorder medicines
  • the need for a Rare Disorder Centre of Excellence in New Zealand.

Find out more and download the Rare Disorders NZ templates of letters to MPs.

Carers Alliance calls for a home in government

This election, the Carers Alliance is calling for a Minister or Commissioner for the 1 million plus family whānau and aiga carers in New Zealand. They are also wanting actions to protect family carers physical, mental, and financial wellbeing.

They are asking for commitments to help family carers have breaks (respite), financial recognition for their work, flexible employment, help for children and young people who are carers, and legislative recognition and wellbeing protections.

The Carers Alliance have a campaign website called 'We Care' with links to a petition and other ways to share their message.

Find out more about the Carers Alliance election messages.

Dementia – where parties stand on dementia

Alzheimers NZ have asked political parties several policy questions to understand where dementia is on their agenda. Responses to the questions are being published as they receive them.

The questions are about funding, community-based health care services, prioritising the ageing population for our health care system, and about support for families, whānau and care partners who care for people with dementia.

Read the questions and responses to Alzheimers NZ questions to political parties.

Want us to share your organisation's election priorities?

If you are a Disabled People's Organisation or disability-related organisation and would like us to share your organisation's election priorities in future issues of this newsletter, please email info@dpa.org.nz