Opportunity to provide feedback on trauma injury services - Mid-Central DHB

Mid-Central DHB  has recognised that many patients and whanau with Major Trauma experience significant variation in the quality and consistency of acute rehabilitation whilst an inpatient, discharge planning and post discharge follow up.

The DHB is seeking 1-2 consumer advisors for evaluation of a project to develop a new care pathway.

A project team including nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work and quality representatives have worked together to develop a pathway to improve inpatient access to early acute rehabilitation and follow up care. This includes consistency in assessments, being part of multi-disciplinary team (MDT), and discharge planning.

The aim of the project is that 100% of inpatients aged 16 years or above with an Injury Severity Score greater than 12 will have the appropriate MDT assessment completed as part of the screening, and the Major Trauma Pathway prior to discharge from inpatient ward.

This pathway has now been developed and initial 3-month implementation is currently being evaluated. Unfortunately, they were unable to establish a consumer as part of their implementation group. They would value a consumer perspective (patient and/or whānau) at this time of evaluation (and likely ongoing roll out phase) to ensure they have covered key concepts pertaining to the consumer experience and journey.

Consumers (and/or their whānau) who apply must have experienced trauma, hospital admission and/or rehabilitation services. You will be asked to give a consumer or whānau perspective, review the work this group has completed thus far, and critique any gaps in service that may have been omitted.

It's anticipated that this requires a commitment of up to 6 hours over a 12-month period. Meetings and discussions with the consumer representative would be via Zoom. The consumer will be remunerated for their time based on the Health Quality and Safety Commission engagement operational policy (PDF).

If you or your whānau are interested in this opportunity, please email consumers@hqsc.govt.nz by 25 May 2022. Please include a brief description of your injury and hospital admission experience your availability for this rōpū.