New online tool for feedback on future of local government

To encourage feedback on the future of local Government and whether the voting age should be lowered to 16, local council's have launched a new online tool called 'Get Vocal in Your Local'.

The interactive survey asks you to think about the future of Aotearoa, and what might be different in 2050. Targeted at 18 to 24-year olds and high school aged rangatahi, it may also appeal to anyone who feels connected to a place in Aotearoa and wants to have a say in the decisions that affect it.

The survey asks some of the big questions local government is exploring, such as the ways decisions that affect local communities should be made, and whether the voting age should be lowered.

Data collected will help shape recommendations made to the Minister of Local Government. The draft report will be released in October 2022 and a final report is due in June 2023, after a period of public consultation.

  • Have your say on the future of local government decision making and the voting age through Get Vocal in Your Local.