New brochure on establishment of ministry for disabled people and upcoming Q and A session

The Establishment Unit has put out a brochure that includes key information they think people need to know before the new Ministry starts on the 1 July, as well as the offer to have a say on what you think the new Ministry should work on once it begins.

Brochure - A Dedicated Ministry for Disabled People is Coming! (PDF)
Brochure - A Dedicated Ministry for Disabled People is Coming! (Word Doc)

Easy Read

Easy Read: A Dedicated Ministry for Disabled People is Coming! (Word)
Easy Read: A Dedicated Ministry for Disabled People is Coming! (PDF)


NZSL version: A Dedicated Ministry for Disabled People is Coming!

Establishment Unit Q&A session for the disability community

The Establishment Unit are holding an online Q and A session. This will be your chance to ask questions and hear from some members of the Establishment Unit staff.

When: 6.30pm -7.30pm, 21 June 21
Where: Online - Zoom
RSVP: at
The session will have NZSL interpreters and closed captioning.