My Business Starter - course for disabled people looking to set up a business

Easy Read: My Business Starter Easy Read [PDF]
Easy Read: My Business Starter Easy Read [Word]

The My Business Starter programme is an online programme for disabled people who dream of setting up their own business.

It is backed by CCS Disability Action and delivered by Selwyn Cook, Sandra Budd and ‘that blind woman’, Julie Woods from the Disability Business Network.

My Business Starter that takes place on Zoom over five fortnightly sessions and is designed to give disabled people who are interested in self-employment the information, skills and support they need to make that big decision to start their own businesses.

By the time you have completed the programme you will have:

  • A short business plan
  • Covered areas such as defining your product or service, finance, marketing and how to get started
  • Have spoken with a coach between each session
  • Made a decision about your idea to either “Do it or Drop it”

Participants also have the opportunity to join the Disability Business Network and get ongoing support from their peers during their self-employment journey.

The next course is due to commence on 2 May – spaces are limited.

For more information see the My Business Starter webpage.