Members share their vision and priorities for DPA at Bubble Hui

Thank you to all those who joined Mojo Mathers, our Chief Executive and Joanne Dacombe, the President of our National Executive Committee, for the Bubble Hui on Tuesday evening.
It was great to see such a wide geographic spread of participants – from West Coast and Otago to Hauraki Coromandel.
The pan-impairment aspect of DPA, which is fundamental to all the work we do, was also evident.
We had a broad ranging conversation where members highlighted the importance of inclusive emergency management responses, the impact of climate change, the urgent need for good disability data, ongoing inequities in Disability Support Services (DSS), the importance of defending recent gains for disabled people and the impact of new technologies such as LED lights.
We are very appreciative to everyone for sharing your thoughts with us and look forward to further conversations as we continue to work on ensuring our member’s priorities are reflected in our work.
For those of you who couldn’t make it, this is just the start of the conversation, so there will be further opportunities to engage.
You are also welcome to let us know if you have a particular way you would like to engage in this discussion.
Please email us at