Lived experience of disabled tertiary students – focus groups

To follow up on the recent Disabled Tertiary Population Survey, the National Disabled Students Association (NDSA) is currently hosting focus groups across the country and online.

The focus groups are open to all currently enrolled disabled tertiary learners including those who did not participate in the survey and are running throughout September.

The aim of the research is to find out about the lived experiences of disabled tertiary students, who have different experiences and face different challenges.

The results from the survey and the focus groups will form the basis of a report, with the aim of informing decisions about how to improve the tertiary education sector for disabled learners. Having up-to-date and comprehensive information will help create effective, fit-for-purpose policy to improve the tertiary sector for all disabled learners.  

The project is being undertaken by the National Disabled Students Association (NDSA) with the support of the Ministry of Education, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).

Find out more and take part in the focus groups for disabled tertiary students.