Invitation to participate in co-design work with the Crown Response Unit on the new Survivor Experiences Service

Disabled people who are survivors of abuse in care, or have similar experiences, are sought to help co-design an accessible Survivor Experience Service.

About the Survivor Experience Service

The Survivor Experience Service aims to:

  • provide a forum in which survivors can share their experiences of abuse in care in a trauma-informed and culturally responsive setting to facilitate healing
  • provide survivors access to information about claims and records processes
  • continue to build on the general public's understanding of the nature and impacts of abuse in care.

It is a new service that started in July 2023, following the closure of the survivors’ registrations and private session services delivered by Royal Commission of Abuse in Care It has been set up to provide continued support to survivors of abuse in care.

The operation of the service is overseen by an Independent Board and housed with the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA).

Co-design work

There is a commitment to ensuring the Survivor Experiences Service is accessible, safe, and meaningful for all people who use it.

Last year, the Crown Response Unit heard from Deaf and disabled survivors that for the Survivor Experiences Service to be inclusive, it would need to be accessible to all people. In particular, it would need to be accessible for people who have traditionally not used these types of talking-based services before: such as people who experience barriers to communication, people with a learning disability, people with cognitive impairment, and people who are neurodiverse.

The service also needed to accommodate Deaf and disabled survivor’s wellbeing needs and provide a meaningful service for everybody.

The Crown Response Unit is now looking to work alongside disability groups to ensure that happens, and that the service is available to all.

The Crown Response Unit want to gather the views and perspectives of Deaf and disabled survivors and other disabled people who experience barriers to communication on how a service like this can be accessible, safe, and valuable to them.

If you are a survivor of abuse in care, or have similar experiences, and you are interested in participating in this co-design work, the Crown Response Unit would like to hear from you.

People participating in co-design sessions will be offered payment for their time, funded well-being support, and payment for food and kai. Where required, the cost of accommodation and travel, and any additional support costs will also be covered.

You will also be invited to participate in ways that works best for you, either in one-to-one sessions or in groups, with sessions being available either face to face or online.

If you are interested in taking part

If you are interested in taking part in this work please email Debbie Hughes, Disability Lead, at the Crown Response Unit. Debbie’s email is

You are also welcome to email Debbie if you have any questions.

Further information

Further information about this invitation, the new Survivor Experiences Service and the Crown Response Unit can be found in the document: Survivor Experiences Service about co-design work [Word].

You can read more about the Survivor Experiences Service.

You can also find information about the Survivor Experiences Service in the following alternate formats:

You can find more information about the work the Crown Response Unit is doing in alternate formats – Alternate formats | Crown response to the Abuse in Care Inquiry.