Have you had an acute injury in the last year? ACC is seeking research participants

ACC have reached out to us and asked us to share this request for research participants with the disabled community. They are particularly interested in hearing from disabled people, tāngata whakaha Māori, and whānau.

They want to speak to disabled people who have experienced an injury to help them understand more about a patient's experience, needs and how they made decisions about seeking or not seeking treatment:

"Have you or your whānau recently had a sprain, strain, fracture, head or neck injury?

"ACC wants to hear how you made decisions around seeking treatment for yourself or a loved one after an accident.  

"Conversations will take around one hour and can be held in person, over the phone or by video call between now and Thursday 31 August.

"If you need assistance to complete the interview e.g., a NZSL interpreter, this can be provided on request.

"Selected participants will receive an $80 gift voucher as a thank you.  

"They want to hear from a broad range of people. All ages welcome, including parents, caregivers, whānau or support people of an injured person.

"Information you share will be held in confidence and will not affect any service or support you receive, or any relationship you may hold with ACC.

"Please email injuryresearch@acc.co.nz with the subject ‘Research Participant – Disabled Persons Assembly’ or ‘DPA’, and they will provide further information.

"If you need assistance please email injuryresearch@acc.co.nz with the subject ‘Research Participant – assistance needed’ and they will be happy to help."