Get e-scooters off our footpaths – have your say

Waka Kotahi is consulting on whether to renew the declaration that exempts e-scooters from being motor vehicles and allows them to be ridden on footpaths.

This is our last opportunity to be heard before the declaration becomes permanent.

DPA is preparing a submission to Waka Kotahi - we believe it’s important for the views of disabled people be included in this decision.

We would like to hear about members’ challenges sharing footpaths with e-scooters and how safe you feel being around e-scooters on footpaths.

The Waka Kotahi consultation closes at 5pm Monday 7 August.

However, we would like to hear from members by Monday 31 July so that we have time to incorporate the ideas and finalise our submission by the closing date. We look forward to hearing from you – email us at

There is more information on the Waka Kotahi website about the e-scooter declaration renewal decision consultation.

You can also have your say directly to Waka Kotahi by completing their Review of the e-scooter declaration - online survey