Free online legal education sessions - March 2023

Auckland Disability Law (ADL) are holding two free online education sessions in March.

These introductory Zoom sessions are designed for Disabled and Deaf People and supporters. These sessions are about the law to do with employment and reasonable accommodations at work. The sessions are designed to be easy to understand.

Pre-employment and Disability Disclosure

  • When to tell an employer about your disability.
  • What to tell an employer about your disability.

When: 10.00am – 11.00am, Wednesday 15 March 2023
Where: Online - Zoom
Register: by 8 March 2023 (see how to register below)

Reasonable Accommodations and the Law

  • What are reasonable accommodations at work.
  • Asking for the accommodations you need to do the job.

When: 10.00am – 11.00am, 21 March 2023
Where: Online - Zoom
Register: by 14 March 2023 (see how to register below)

How to register: Email ADL at, or text 027 457 5140, or call 09 257 5140 and leave a message. Include your name, email address, contact phone number, and where you live, along with the date and name of the session(s) you want to attend.

Zoom and access needs

  • These sessions will be delivered by video call on Zoom. You can access Zoom on your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. When you register, more information will be sent to you about how to use Zoom.
  • There will be a handout which will be sent to you ahead of the session(s).
  • Please let ADL know if you require Word documents for your Braille reader or device.
  • If you require NZSL interpreters, please advise ADL as soon as possible.
  • You are welcome to have a support person or family member with you at the session. Please give ADL their name, number and email address too.
  • Please let ADL know if you have any other access needs.