DPA submission - Fair Pay Agreements Bill

DPA have made a submission to the Education and Workforce Committee on the Fair Pay Agreements Bill and parliamentary paper G.46C.

DPA supports this draft Bill as we believe that it will reduce the pay gap between disabled and non-disabled workers; and might also improve pay and conditions of staff in the disability support sector.

The Explanatory Note to the Draft Fair Pay Agreements Bill says:

“While New Zealand’s labour market has some strengths, it also has systemic weaknesses.  These include a significant prevalence of jobs with inadequate working conditions, low wages, and low labour productivity. For example, Māori, Pacific peoples, young people, and people with disabilities are over-represented in jobs where low pay, job security, health and safety, and upskilling are significant issues. Barriers to good labour market outcomes are particularly prevalent for people who fall within more than 1 of those groups. The Bill will help address these issues.”

DPA believes that the framework for industry wide bargaining set out in the Draft Fair Pay Agreements Bill is a significant step to begin to remedy such issues.

DPA would like to see Government monitor the effects of Fair Pay Agreements on the pay and conditions of disabled workers and other marginalised demographics.  It may be necessary to implement additional measures to close the pay equity gap between the earnings of disabled and non-disabled workers should Fair Pay Agreements not rectify this gap

Read DPA's submission on the Fair Pay Agreements Bill