Elections 2023 – disability policy and events update

Following on from our Disability Scorecard we asked seven main political parties to let us know if they had any new disability specific policies or events for disabled people so we could share them.

We extend the invitation to any organisation that has a disability-specific election event coming up, or election priorities to share, email: comms@dpa.org.nz.

Te Pāti Māori – disability manifesto

Since the Election Edition of this newsletter last week, Te Pāti Māori have officially launched their Mana Hauā – Disability Policy.

Read Te Pāti Māori Mana Hauā – Disability Policy

Green Party policy manifesto – alternate formats

Since the Election Edition of this newsletter, the Green Party has now published its Green Party Policy Manifesto in the following alternate formats:

Green Party kōrero with the disability community, Wellington

The disability community is invited to a kōrero with Green Party Hutt South candidate Neelu Jennings and outgoing Greens disability spokesperson Jan Logie. At the event you can find out about the Green Party's plans on disability and share what you think. There will be kai and time for informal chats.

When: Sunday 24 September, arrive from 1:40pm for 2.00pm start
Where: Kelson Community Centre, Lower Hutt, 5a Timaru Grove
Register: for the Green Party disability kōrero

The venue is flat and wheelchair accessible. The event will be NZSL interpreted. There's a separate chill-out space available. We ask everyone to look out for each other by staying home if unwell and masking if you can.

Find out more about the Green Party kōrero on Facebook.