We welcome Amber-Krystle Stier and and Roger Riley who have joined DPA's Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment team.

Kia ora,
My name is Amber-Krystle I am super excited to be starting the role of Kaitiaki for Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment.
I am born and bred in the Ruapehu district, because of this I am passionate about supporting people living with a disability rurally.
Due to circumstances at birth I have mobility problems, so use a wheelchair as well as having multiple other health conditions.
I a DPA member and, thanks to DPA, I was a participant in the last Mahi Tika cohort. I had found it hard to get a job due to my disability and also living rurally. Mahi Tika helped me gain confidence and support that I didn't have previously. My aim is to pass that on as a Kaitiaki.
Outside of work I enjoy quilting, reading, spending time with family, as well as being on multiple arts committees.
I so excited to be part of an amazing team.
Ngā mihi,

Kia ora,
I’m very excited to be starting with the Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment team as Kaitiaki - working alongside participants to enhance their journey in the programme - with the Disabled Persons Assembly.
I live in Hamilton with my wife and our three-legged dog, 2 cats and numerous tropical fish.
I was born in Warwickshire, England and moved to New Zealand 27 years ago.
I worked in marketing for British Gas in Keynsham near Bristol prior to moving to NZ . Since then, I trained and worked as an architectural draughtsman, a Case Manager for MSD, a Support Worker, and an Employment Consultant.
I am an active member of DPA Waikato and a peer supporter for My Life My Voice.
Outside of work you will find me making things in my shed my latest projects being a belt sander and a small yacht (my wife says I just make a mess!).
I’m looking forward to being an active part of the DPA team and meeting up with members when circumstances allow.
Ngā mihi,
Roger Riley
If you are disabled, based in Waikato, and looking for work, the Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment team would love to hear from you and enhance your employment journey. You can express interest in the programme by completing a form at https://forms.office.com/r/qJEK7MESLZ
The next programme begins later this month and runs though to November, with workshops being held in Hamilton on 23-24 August and 29-30 November 2021. There will also be more sessions available in 2022.
To contact the Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment team email MahiTika@dpa.org.nz