DPA survey – update on Whaikaha changes

Many thanks to all those who have responded to our snap survey. We have had 140 responses so far.  
Below are some of the questions you have asked about the Whaikaha and Disability Support Services (DSS) changes.
We have sent through this list of questions to Whaikaha officials for their response. We'll continue to send through your questions as we receive responses to our DPA survey on the Whaikaha changes and Traffic Light system.

Questions asked about Whaikaha
Rationale for changes what is government rationale for doing the lift and shift of DSS to MSD given that this was not one of the recommendations from the independent review?
Engagement – what assurances are there that disabled people and disability organisations will be meaningfully included going forward given that to date we have been excluded from such a critical review/decision making process?
Eligibility for DSS – there is major anxiety that there will be changes to the eligibility criteria, particularly for autistic people and people with invisible disabilities, will there be cuts to Individualised Funding (IF) budgets?
MSD/WINZ culture – there are major concerns about DSS moving to MSD, including anxiety disabled people will have to engage with MSD staff. One question was “will government bring in legislation to ensure that state welfare and DSS remain two separate systems?”
Privacy – some of you said that you are worried about your personal information held by their NASC being accessed by MSD.
Disabled workforce – will MSD employ more disabled people and will the downsized Whaikaha retain and increase its disabled workforce?
Kaupapa Māori services – work was underway to increase these. What commitment is there to proceed with these changes?
Enabling Good Lives – the review recommended a revised approach to giving effect to EGL principles, what does this mean?
Residential services – what will MSD do to ensure that disabled people in residential care are not harmed by the freeze on funding?

Note: this does not include responses about the Traffic Light System – we will update you in the next issue.