DPA submission – Safer Online Platforms and Media

DPA made a submission to Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) for its Safer Online Platforms and Media consultation.

DIA asked for feedback on a possible approach to regulating platforms that provide access to digital and traditional media content.

Overall we support the aim of managing the growing impact of digital harm from online services and media platforms as these are having significant impacts on the disabled community both here and overseas.

Negative social attitudes towards disabled people act to reinforce the societal stigma and discrimination disabled people face every day. These stigmas are manifested over the internet through hate speech, harassment and other intimidatory behaviours towards disabled people both online and in other media platforms.

In our submission, we convey our thoughts on how to refine and improve current online and media platform regulation while having regard to the need to protect the democratic values that all of us, including disabled people, value highly.

Read the DPA submission – Safer Online Platforms and Media [Word].