DPA submission - Review of Adult Decision-Making Capacity Law
DPA made a submission to the Law Commission on their Review of Adult Decision-Making Capacity Law.
DPA supports the Law Commission’s review of the law concerning adult decision-making capacity. Such a review is well overdue, given that much of New Zealand’s law in this area is not consistent with our rights and obligations under Article 12 of the UNCRPD.
The New Zealand government ratified the UNCRPD in September 2008 without reservations. Article 12 of the UNCRPD is about people’s right to supported decision-making. Supported decision-making is about disabled people’s right to make decisions affecting their lives, and to have access to support when making decisions, on an equal basis with others. DPA believes that supported decision-making is a right that must be reflected in our law.
Our submission comments on the current law and proposed changes to improve the law in the area of adult decision-making capacity put forward in the Law Commission's Preliminary Issues Paper.
Read DPA's full Submission on the Review of Adult Decision-Making Capacity Law