DPA submission on the Human Rights (Disability Assist Dogs Non-Discrimination) Amendment Bill

This week DPA made a submission on the Human Rights (Disability Assist Dogs Non-Discrimination) Amendment Bill.

DPA strongly supports this bill. It must be clear that discrimination against a Disability Assist dog amounts to discrimination against a disabled person.

The refusal of service to someone who has with them a Disability Assist dog must be prohibited. By refusing a service, the primary reason for having a Disability Assist dog - to enable and enhance normal day to day living for a disabled person - is negated.

From member feedback, it is very clear to DPA that in addition to amending the Human Rights Act, there needs to be a public awareness campaign to lift the profile of Disability Assist dogs and increase understanding of the vital role they play for many disabled people.

DPA asks select committee members to support funding being set aside for such a public awareness campaign.

Read DPA's full submission on the Human Rights (Disability Assist Dogs Non-Discrimination) Amendment Bill (Word Doc)