DPA submission - Manatū Hauora Health of Disabled People Strategy

DPA hopes that the adoption of a Manatū Hauora Health of Disabled People Strategy will contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of disabled people by looking at the health and wellbeing of disabled people holistically; setting targets, expectations and duties on health care providers; and measuring outcomes.

Our submission to the Ministry of Health on the strategy comments on:

  • The need for the strategy to ensure that it is meeting the rights set out in Article 25 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (UNCRPD) as a minimum.
  • That principles in line with the UNCRPD and Enabling Good Lives (EGL) are needed to underpin the strategy
  • The need to explicitly address the intersectionality of demographics currently underserved by the health service
  • The urgent need for measures that specifically target people with a learning disability as they have some of the poorest health outcomes of any demographic
  • That the strategy must cover all areas of health as well as access to health services
  • The prioritisation and resourcing of initiatives to improve health literacy and access to primary health care for disabled people
  • Addressing the affordability of health care and funding inequities within the health system
  • That full access to sexual and reproductive health services for disabled people is ensured
  • That equal access to health screening programmes is ensured
  • That the accessibility of health information and interacting with health system communications channels is addressed
  • That disabled people’s access to and participation in mental health services needs to be ensured and measured

Read DPA's submission on the Manatū Hauora Health of Disabled People Strategy.