DPA submission - Auckland Council Budget

DPA made a submission on the Auckland Council Budget saying that fiscal cuts must not be at the expense of community services and funding which are so vital to disabled people and other members of the Auckland community.

Auckland Council’s proposed cuts will adversely impact on disabled people who are one of the most socioeconomically disadvantaged and marginalised communities in this country.

DPA Auckland members have raised with us several concerns about the proposed budget including participation and inclusion within the community and exacerbation of existing inequities between disabled and non-disabled people.

DPA believes that if the cuts proposed in the budget progress, Auckland Council will be contravening several articles of the UNCRPD.

It will also violate the key principles of the Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Act 2019 which requires all local authorities: “to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future.”

In our submission we outline the impact this proposed budget will have on disabled people using each the community wellbeing principles of the Local Government Act as a guide.

Read DPA's submission on the Auckland Council Budget [Word doc].