Disabled storytellers share experiences of state and faith based care - radio series

‘Lest We Forget – Stories of Survival and Hope’ is an eight-part radio programme in which disabled storytellers share their experiences of state and faith-based care.

Creator Mike Gourley also speaks with academics, disability advocates, and the parents of a disabled person who was taken into care. The last two episodes feature Sir Robert Martin’s powerful statement of evidence to The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.

‘Lest We Forget – Stories of Survival and Hope’ begins on February 7 on Wellington Access Radio and will air between 6-7pm.

You can listen by tuning into to 106.1.FM or stream via the Lest We Forget page on Access Radio.

‘Lest We Forget – Stories of Survival and Hope’ is supported by The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.