DAFT - Disabled Artists' Festival of Theatre, Wellington

DAFT - Disabled Artists' Festival of Theatre is being held 18 - 25 September in Wellington.

The festival will be launched at BATS Theatre with a 'Launch Party and Living Library' on 18 September. The NZSL interpreted event will include welcome speeches, info about the festival programme and kaupapa, food and drinks, and a living library where you can speed date an artist and ask them about their creative work.

Other events include: Wellington Feminist Poetry, DAFT x Barbarian SCRATCH NIGHT, Illegally Blind, Spring Shoots: Performance and Film work from Silver Noodle Soup, and Sexy Sunday Shenanigans.

Some of the events are audio described and some have NZSL interpreters.

See the DAFT - Disabled Artists' Festival of Theatre website for the full programme, more accessibility information, and to book tickets.