At the DPA Annual General Meeting (AGM), we will consider proposals to change the constitution or national policy issues, which are called remits.

Remits are forwarded in advance to the Assembly and distributed with AGM papers, so that members have time to consider its implications.

Remits can be prepared and submitted by full DPA members, individual, family or corporate, or by Regional Assemblies and other Committees of DPA. 

Submitting a remit

  1. Complete the remit form (Word) by 5pm Saturday 28 September.

    The form will need to be signed by the person proposing the remit (the mover) and a person who supports the remit (the seconder).

    In the form, we ask if there are any accessibility or accommodation requirements for the mover and the seconder to make sure both can participate in presenting to the AGM attendees.
  2. Once submitted, the National Remits Sub-Committee will decide whether proposed remits are national policy issues requiring the attention of members at the AGM or operational matters to be passed on to the Chief Executive.
  3. The Returning Officer will let you know if your remit will be presented at the AGM. 
  4. The mover and seconder will need to be present at the Annual Assembly (online or in person) with the detailed reasons for presenting your remit and background facts to present in support of it.

How your remit will be handled at the Assembly

  1. The Chairperson will call on the mover of the remit to read the remit and speak about it.
  2. The Chairperson will call for a seconder and invite them to speak to the remit. 
  3. The Chairperson will call on speakers for and against to speak to the remit and will close the discussion unless the remit is considered so important that the debate should be continued.
  4. The mover has the final right of reply before the remit is voted on.

Please let us know if you have any accessibility or accommodation requirements to ensure you can participate in presenting to Assembly.

What happens if the remit is passed?

The remit will be passed to the National Executive Committee for action and it becomes part of DPA policy.

Resolutions on changes to DPA’s Constitution, if they have been properly notified in the meeting papers distributed to members 30 days in advance of the AGM, have only to be registered under the Incorporated Societies Act to become final.

The Committee is to report on the actions taken at the next Annual Assembly.

What happens if the remit does not pass?

The Minutes of the Assembly are to record this fact – no further action will be taken.

Note: Remits that do not pass in two successive years shall as a general rule, not be permitted to come forward in the following year.


Remits for consideration at the Annual General Meeting must be received by 5pm Saturday 28 September 2024.

Remits to be considered at the Annual General Meeting will be sent out to all members at least 30 days in advance of the AGM, by Thursday 24 October 2024.

 If you have any questions about the remits, please email:

Mojo Mathers
Returning Officer
Disabled Persons Assembly (NZ) Inc.

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