DPA (Disabled Persons Assembly (NZ) Inc.) will be conducting its annual ballot for the election of two members for the National Executive Committee (NEC). Authority for the ballot is contained in Rule 9 of the DPA Constitution.

The information below includes links to the nomination forms, the changes to the NEC membership for 2024 to 2025, who can be nominated and requirements of the nominee.
Nominations are called for two (2) National Executive Committee Elected Members for the 2024 to 2025 year.

DPA members who wish to nominate a person to any of the available positions should:

  1. Complete the online NEC member nomination form
  2. Have the nominee (the person you nominate) complete the
    NEC member nominee acceptance form

Nominations and nominee acceptance forms must be submitted by 5pm on Saturday 28 September 2024.
2024 NEC changes to membership

The current National Executive Committee (2023 to 2024) are:

President: Joanne Dacombe
President Elect: Kera Sherwood-O’Regan
Elected members: David King, Jason Boberg, Juliana Carvalho, Oliver (Ollie) Goulden, Tara Shepherd
At the 2024 AGM:

  • Kera Sherwood-O’Regan becomes the President
  • Joanne Dacombe becomes the Immediate Past President
  • David King, Juliana Carvalho, and Tara Shepherd continue their terms.
  • Jason Boberg and Oliver (Ollie) Goulden complete their terms and are eligible for re-election.

The National Executive Committee (2024 to 2025) will be:

President: Kera Sherwood-O’Regan
Immediate Past President: Joanne Dacombe
Remaining elected members (3): David King, Juliana Carvalho, Tara Shepherd
New elected members (2): Two members elected at the AGM
Assuming more nominations are received than positions available, the ballot will take place in the month leading up to the AGM.

The Returning Officer will announce the result at the AGM.

Who can be nominated

Nominees must be:

  • Full (voting) Individual Members, or
  • the representative of an Organisation of Disabled People Member, or
  • a representative of a Full Family Member of DPA.

Nominees cannot be an employee of DPA.

If you wish to nominate a disabled person who is not currently a member, they can become a member now and will be eligible for nomination.
Nominees must accept their nomination

To be considered as a nominee, nominees must accept their nomination by completing a form with their details, which includes:

  • consent to the nomination
  • biographical details and statement
  • the type of membership you hold
  • declaration of any perceived or real conflict of interests
  • certification that they are not disqualified from holding office as an officer of DPA under Section 47(3) of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 or section 36B of the Charities Act 2005.

In general, members are disqualified from becoming an officer if they are under 16 years, are bankrupted or convicted of crimes involving dishonesty, tax offences, money laundering, here or overseas.

DPA covers all costs relating to NEC business such as travel to meetings, accessibility, accommodation.

As a reminder, nominations and nominee acceptance forms must be submitted by 5pm on Saturday 28 September 2024.

If you have any questions, please email chiefexecutive@dpa.org.nz
Mojo Mathers
Returning Officer
Disabled Persons Assembly (New Zealand) Inc

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