Disability Leadership Canterbury is inviting disabled Cantabrians and their whānau to a hui about the changes to purchasing rules and equipment modification services.
Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People has updated its webpage about the changes to Purchasing Rules and Equipment Modification Services (EMS), including NZSL and accessible formats, and answers to questions about transport, family carers, and EMS.
Donald Beasley Institute (DBI) is continuing to seek disabled people to answer their questionnaire about their experiences of abortion services in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This week, the World Health Organization (WHO) released recommendations to strengthen data collection on violence against disabled women. This work highlights the inclusion of women and the issue of disability within population-based surveys and research on violence against women.
This submission is in response to ACC seeking submissions on its approach to how it will report annually on levels of access to the Accident Compensation scheme by Māori and other identified population groups.