An end-of-year message from DPA's Chief Executive

Kia ora e te whānau

I am delighted that Michael Nolan has joined the DPA staff team as our new business manager, you can read Michael's profile below.

As we wrap up for the year, I would like to thank everyone for their kind support and patience over the last few months as I settled into my role as DPA’s new Chief Executive. 

I also want to thank all those that have contributed to DPA’s mahi over the year: our members, our staff and our partner organisations. I am very conscious that it is your commitment and mahi that make DPA the staunch voice for disabled people that it is today.

This year has been a mixed bag for our community. We’ve had Cyclone Gabrielle and North Island flooding at the beginning of the year, the Census, an election, and we continue to experience the impacts of Covid-19. 

Next year, we look forward to celebrating DPA’s 40-year history with our members and the wider community. 

Whatever next year brings, I know we will keep working together to advance the rights of disabled people.

The DPA National office will close on Thursday 21 December 2023 and reopen Tuesday 9 January 2024. Urgent messages can be sent to

Wishing everyone a peaceful and relaxing break over the Christmas and New Year.

Ngā mihi 
Mojo Mathers