Access Matters petition delivery

Everyone is invited to join in delivering the Access Matters petition calling for the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill to be strengthened.

The petition calls for the Government to broaden the scope of the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill to include:

  • standards
  • a regulator
  • a barrier notification system
  • a disputes resolution process to remove access barriers.

When: 1 - 2pm, Wednesday 22 February (12pm midday for stunt rehearsal)
Where: Front lawn near Seddon Statue, Parliament Grounds, Wellington
RSVP: for participation of the petition delivery and taking part in the publicity stunt, fill in the petition RSVP form.

Green MP Jan Logie MP will receive the Access Matters Aotearoa petition at Parliament, and David Lepofsky, an international expert on accessibility law and acclaimed Canadian accessibility advocate will also be there. He is a long-time supporter and catalyst for the Access Matters campaign.

Access Matters had a fun and fruitful brainstorming session with several creative supporters, and the petition delivery stunt will look like this:

1. A selection of disability advocates have their mouths covered over with white masking tape. They hold a sequence of placard signs displaying the slogans:

  • “Include Us”
  • “Respect Us”
  • “Listen to Us”

2. On cue, the advocates theatrically remove the masking tape from their mouths. They then hold up another set of placards stating:

  • “Give the Accessibility Bill some Teeth”
  • “Allow our Community to Flourish”

3. The ‘Access Matters’ song is played over the PA, with advocates singing along (learn the ‘Access Matters’ tune and lyrics)

4. As the song plays, balloon-art sunflowers are distributed among advocates and the crowd. These sunflower balloons signify hidden disabilities, and that accessibility is essential for our community to flourish. Three advocates also hold giant balloon-art sunflowers.

5. A giant balloon-art set of teeth is given to politicians, asking for an Accessibility Bill “With Teeth”.

Please RSVP to participate in the petition delivery event and please wear a black top, to give strong contrast with the colourful balloons.