52 organisations (and counting) sign DPA open letter

DPA would like to thank all those organisations who signed the open letter we sent to ministers Upston and Willis calling for the reversal of the 18 March disability support restrictions and ensure disabled people and their families and whānau have the resources and the flexibility needed to thrive.

The organisations that have signed the letter represent disabled people, families, whānau and carers, as well as disability support providers, faith-based organisations, and welfare advocacy groups.

And more are signing up!

If you're one of those organisations, please email: comms@dpa.org.nz. We will send you through the link so you can add your organisation.
Once we reach a significantly larger number, we plan to republish it. 

We'd also like to thank the Fairer Futures Coalition and Action Station for your much appreciated support.

Read the Open letter – Enable disabled people, family and whānau to thrive (PDF).

Read a text only version of the Open letter – Enable disabled people, family and whānau to thrive (webpage).