2023 Survey on Persons with Disabilities and Disasters

This UN survey has been designed for disabled people or a caregiver to share their experience of living in disaster prone areas.

This is a 10-year follow-up to a 2013 survey done by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR, then called UNISDR), to ascertain the needs of persons with disabilities and disasters. Those survey results are still cited today

The purpose of the survey is to review whether disabled people who live in disaster prone areas today are more involved in planning and decision-making processes to reduce risk or build resilience than they were in 2015, when the Sendai Framework was adopted.

The findings from this survey will be used to influence the remaining seven years of the Sendai Framework’s implementation until 2030. In particular, it will help to inform a Mid-Term Review which is being done by countries, regional organisations and the United Nations.

You can access the 2023 Survey on Persons with Disabilities and Disasters.

The survey closes on Friday 3 March 2023.